Mnogo toga je upućivalo da ćemo nam Gearbox predstaviti dugo očekivani Borderlands 3 na predstojećem E3 sajmu, ali se to sada pokazalo kao netačno.
Prvo se pojavio navod sa portala Shacknews, gde stoji da je Gearbox izjavio da Borderlands 3 neće doći na E3 2018, a ubrzo je i sam presednik studija, Rendi Pičford, u seriji tvitova govorio magiji i vervanju ljudi gde je izneo da Borderlands 3 niće biti na E3 sajmu, već će konferencija biti posvćena drugim igrama.
Informaciju da će se treći nastavak igre pojaviti na E3 sajmu ove godine smo dobili putem jedne fotografije na kojoj je jasno stojao 10. jun kao datuma, a noviji je leak u kojem je Walmart otkrio gomilu igara, pa i Borderlands 3. Na svu sreću, znamo da je Borderlands 3 u produkciji zato što je zvanični demo predstavljen tokom prošle godine, ali izgleda da je trenutno reč o veoma ranoj fazi razvoja pa igra neće biti na E3 2018.
1/ Todd Robbins is an awesome performer who is a master of the side-show. He does stuff like hammer a nail into his face or eat a light bulb whole, which is real. He also does some magic, which is fake. I’m going somewhere with this…
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic) May 15, 2018
2/ He once said (paraphrased), “When I make something vanish (which is a magic trick, and fake), people will swear that it is real. But when I eat a light bulb (which is not magic, and is real) people will swear that it is fake – a trick.”
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic) May 15, 2018
3/ The point is that it is kind of a part of our species that we tend to hold on to what we *want* to believe while discounting the truth if it contradicts that – no matter the evidence. It takes a disciplined mind to see reality for what it is.
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic) May 15, 2018
4/ For example, I could write it out now precisely and specifically that “Borderlands 3” will not be at E3 and many of you will choose not to believe it. Many of you will find a way to interpret the intent to suit what you want to believe regardless of what is true.
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic) May 15, 2018
5/ In fact, this aspect of human nature is so powerful that it is more likely this thread will increase the volume of the debate rather than diminish it. It feels as if “Borderlands 3” may be destined to be the next Half-Life 3 in that regard.
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic) May 15, 2018
6/ I *love* how important Borderlands is to so many of you. The developers of Gearbox Software are working harder than we have ever worked in order to create new and exciting things in hopes of entertaining you. Your passion fuels us. Thank you! I love you!
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic) May 15, 2018