Dreamcast, konzola koja je ostala u srcima mnogih gamera ali i poslednja SEGA konzola, će se posle mnogo godina izgleda vratiti. Posle peticije potpisane od strane 23 hiljade SEGA fanova, japanski gigant ponovo razmatra proizvodnju hardvera. Nova konzola bi se zasnivala na PC hardveru koji bi bio među povoljnijim next-gen sistemima, a za ove potrobe je oformljena nova divizija u kompaniji koja se bavi isključivo razvojem hardvera – SEGA Interactive. U nedavnom intervjuu, Patrik Loson, jedan od vođa projekta je izjavio:
SEGA does have the finances and the resources to release another home consumer product. ($11.6 billion in cash flow). They are also forming a NEW division called SEGA Interactive,Co,Ltd that will handle hardware R&D,Marketing and Sales and are also forming a NEW global Amusement and Theme Park label called SEGA Live Creation,Inc. But they NEED their fanbase to come back. They need their REAL fans(Not Sonic fans and software only fans) to form circles globally and take action submitting ideas for what they’d like to see. “Project Dream”‘s goal is to gather and rebuild SEGA’s old 90s brand. Ben Plato’s petition has gained significant momentum, and once they reach 25,000 sigs, we shall move forward with TWO NEW proposals for SEGA. One of them we’ll have crowdfuded, because it’ll involve SEGA becoming the first Japanese company to manufacture and license a PC gaming rig for a CHEAPER price than Dell! Spread the word. Get the sigs, get the fans, we’re going to regroup the old Army and get SEGA back in the hardware business!
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