Naughty Dog je otkrio privi koncept vizual za Last of Us multiplejer igru. Ovo će biti standalone igra sa svojom pričom i potpuno novim karakterima. Na sinoćnjem Summer Game Fest-u, kopredsednik studija Niel Druckmann je izjavio da je igra velika kao bilo koja od Naughty Dog-ovih singlplejer igara. Više informacija nas ipak očekuje sledeće godine.
Excited to share this image!
My love for The Last of Us & @Naughty_Dog's MP modes inspired me to join the studio. Co-directing the first standalone online experience, one of our biggest efforts ever, is a dream. Can’t wait to reveal more of what this incredible team is building!
— Vinit Agarwal (@vinixkun) June 9, 2022
Još pre početka Summer Game Fest-a, procurele su i informacije o rimejku originala Last of Us, a onda je i Naughty Dog zvanično potvrdio ove informacije na događaju. Igra će izaći ovog septembra za PS5, a razvija se i za PC. Takozvani Last of Us Part I, sadrži kompletnu priču i poglavlje koje se događa pre glavne priče, Left Behind.
The Last of Us Part I is coming to PS5 and PC!
Almost 10 years since the release of #TheLastofUs, you'll be able to faithfully experience Joel and Ellie's classic story, completely remade from the ground-up for the newest console generation.
— Naughty Dog (@Naughty_Dog) June 9, 2022
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