Starfield ima pomalo kontroverzno postojanje. Nakon višegodišnjeg perioda hajpa i marketinga, igra je lansirana sa solidnim kritikama – iako sa mnogo većom razlikom u mišljenjima. Srećom, tim u Bethesdi neprestano ažurira igru – pri čemu je poslednji patch možda bio njen najveći do sada.
Najavljujući na svom blogu, tim Starfielda je rekao “Neka bude SVETLO… poboljšanja! Naše najnovije ažuriranje je izašlo iz Steam Beta i sada je dostupno svim Starfield igračima. Beleške o zakrpi ostale su iste kao što su prethodno objavljene tokom beta verzije, osim promene broja verzije i jednog dodatnog popravka za pad PC-ja.”
Govoreći o beleškama o zakrpi, neke od najvećih promena, poboljšanja i dodataka uključuju:
- Fixed player character’s eyes remaining closed instead of blinking in third person view.
- Fixed an issue that could occur on some enemies causing them to stand instead of falling to the ground
- Fixed crew members and companions positioning near the cockpit after fast traveling to the ship.
- Addressed a crash that could occur when changing from Fullscreen to Windowed mode
- Fixed rare save game corruptions on PC
- Body type should no longer reset to default when loading a Starborn save from the main menu.
- Fixed an issue that could cause airlock doors to sometimes appear floating in sky when arriving at locations
- Fixed the extreme speed that could occur in zero G when using the Phased Time power
- Fixed FOV and zoom issues with weapon scopes.
Potpuni spisak promena je vrlo iscrpan, međutim, najveće karakteristike koje dolaze sa ovim ažuriranjem odnose se na osvetljenje i grafiku igre, najpre:
- Improved widescreen support (32:9, 21:9 and 16:10).
- Shadows can now be seen on planet rings from planet surface
- Improved eyes and skin on crowd characters
- Improved reflection on water
- Improved contact shadows on characters
- Improved contact shadows on first person
- Addressed various shadow popping, flickering and artifact issues.
- Improved the visibility of the sun’s lens flare during sunrise and sunset
- Improved the appearance of clouds during weather transition
- Fixed various FSR2 and DLSS artifacts (noise, black dots, ghosting)
- Improved lighting at 73 locations.
- Fixed various geometry, texture, and ghosting issues
Kao što je pomenuto, potpune beleške o zakrpi uključuju desetine ili čak stotine drugih različitih popravki, ali fokus je jasno bio na tome da igra bude vizuelno privlačnija. Starfield može izgledati impresivno u određenim situacijama – ali vrlo zastarelo u drugima. Ohrabrujuće je videti značajna poboljšanja koja se vremenom prave.
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