Misteriozni strim koji je prikazao Cyberpunk 2077 gejmplej sa sobom nosi i par skivenih poruka

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Linije i linije kodova u misterioznom strimu na Twitch kanalu kompanije CD Projekt Red nisu bile beznačajne jer su oni vredni čekanja imali prilike da prvi vide prikaz gejmpleja u trajanju od gotovo 50 minuta, a to je i sada moguće pogledati, ako kojim slučajem niste.

Pored gejmplej snimka, igrači su otkrili i par poruka od samog tima koji je u prethodnih 6 godina neprekidno radio na Cyberpunk 2o77. Jedna od njih se nalazi u onom silnom tekstu u kojem su korisnici Reddita otkrili da se nalazi poruka “The Witcher 3 is the best”, a mi se nadamo da će CDPR nadmašiti sebe sa ovom futurističkom igrom.

Na kraju se nalazi poruka u kojoj se CD Projekt Red izvinio fanovima na dugom čekanju do premijere gejmpleja, a izneo je i razloge zašto se to desilo tek sada:

“Sorry to have kept you waiting for this for so long!

Did you like what you saw? Because for us, the fact that we’re finally showing you Cyberpunk 2077 is HUGE. Please go to our forums, twitter, facebook, discord, and do tell what you think. Is the game world how you imagined? Do you see what we meant by ‘immersion’ when we talked about CP2077 being an FPP RPG? How does our vision of “cyberpunk by day” make you feel? We really want to know.

Aside from that, we think we owe you a few words of explanation on why we’re showing you this gameplay now, some time after industry professionals and media saw it at E3 and gamescom.

Each time we discussed the idea of showing the game to you (and we discussed this idea a lot), we were ending up in this “we’re not 100% sure” limbo. Why? Because (for most people), when a game dev shows gameplay footage from their game, it means that this is how the game is going to look or play like. It’s not the case here. Cyberpunk 2077 is deep in development. We have a lot of design ideas, a lot of mechanics being playtested, but we don’t know what we’ll end up with at launch. This makes publishing videos like what you just saw risky –we don’t want gamers saying ‘but in that previous video that gun was shooting differently’, or ‘why did you change the interface?’. Change is inherent to game development and there’s a ton of things being modified each day. Our fear was (and kind of still is) that you’ll think what you just saw is how Cyberpunk 2077 will look like 1:1.

What gave us that extra confidence to show you a work in progress game? Good initial feedback from people who are accustomed to see games at various stages of development. What they told us (and they told us they really liked what they saw) gave us the boost we needed to show the current version of Cyberpunk 2077 to the most passionate and insightful audience –you.

So… here’s what Cyberpunk 2077 looks like today (or rather looked like when we recorded the video). We sincerely hope you liked it.

Again, thank you for your patience and all the thoughts you shared with us.



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